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      Pediatric Dentistry in Dubai

      Pediatric Dentistry

      Making every dental visit easier and fun for kids.

      We know that nothing matters to you more than your child. We understand how important it is to get the right and comfortable dental care that your child needs.

      Start them young and introduce them to a fun and positive dental experience! Our team of specialist pediatric dentists has been well trained to handle babies, toddlers, and kids through various gentle approaches and techniques.

      Experience exceptional dental care for your child.

      As parents, we play an important role in keeping our children’s oral health a priority. We're here to personally guide you on how to encourage your kids to adopt good oral hygiene habits and ensure they receive proper nutrition.

      We recommend booking an appointment with one of our specialist pediatric dentists as soon as the first tooth erupts or when the child turns one year old. Caring for baby teeth helps in the proper development of adult teeth, preparing your child for great dental health throughout their entire lifetime.

      Benefits of Seeing a Specialist Pediatric Dentist

      Age-appropriate treatments
      Behavior management
      Focus on preventive care
      Parent guidance & education
      Child-friendly environment
      Specialized care for special needs

      Our Pediatric Dentists in Dubai

      Dr. Lana Shokini

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist

      Dr. Thereza El Haddad

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist
      DDS, MSc

      Dr. Zafer Azizi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist
      BDS, MSc, DUCOP

      Dr. Tahir Shahnawaz

      Consultant Pediatric Dentist
      BDS, MSc, FRACDS

      Dr. Bahia Natour

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist
      BDS, MSc

      Dr. Rita Soueidi

      Specialist Pediatric Dentist
      DDS, MSc
      With special focus on preventive care.

      Dental Treatments for Children

      Dental Sealants

      Dental sealants are a thin protective coating applied to the chewing surfaces of your child's back teeth, acting as a barrier to provide extra defense against cavities.

      Fluoride Treatment

      Fluoride treatment for children is a quick, painless way to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities.

      Dental Treatments Under General Anesthesia

      Children unable to tolerate dental treatment due to age, anxiety, special needs, or extensive dental work may require general anesthesia for comfort.

      Conscious Sedation for Kids

      Laughing gas, a mild and safe sedative administered through a mask, helps children relax and feel comfortable during dental procedures.

      Endodontic Treatment for Children

      Endodontic treatment saves your child's natural tooth by removing infected pulp, cleaning the interior, and sealing it to prevent reinfection.

      Children’s Dental Crowns

      Crowns are recommended for children with badly decayed, fractured, or weak teeth, particularly after cavity treatments, pulpotomy, or pulpectomy.

      Space Maintainers

      Space maintainers are custom-made dental appliances designed to hold open the space created by a prematurely lost baby tooth.

      Habit Breaker

      Habit breakers help children break free from thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing, and other poor oral habits.

      Palatal Expanders

      Palatal expanders gently widen a child's upper jaw, creating space for proper teeth alignment and addressing bite issues.

      Pediatric Dentistry FAQs

      You can use any soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head. These are especially designed for infants and must be used at least once a day before bedtime.

      Primary teeth are important because they help your child to speak properly and chew normally. These baby teeth also prepare the space when it’s time for the permanent teeth to grow.

      Rinse the affected area with warm salt water and apply a cold compress on your child’s face in case it is swollen. You can give your child some over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen for pain relief. Avoid placing aspirin on the kid’s teeth or gums. And of course, visit your pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

      From birth, you can begin cleaning and massaging your child’s gums with a soft infant toothbrush or a clean cloth with water. As soon as the baby teeth erupt, you can start applying a smear of fluoride toothpaste on the child’s toothbrush.

      When the child turns 3, you can increase the amount to a pea-sized dollop and make sure you assist him/her while brushing. Make sure to let your kids spit out the excess toothbrush after brushing.

      If your child needs to nurse to fall asleep, refrain from putting anything other than water in their feeding bottle. In case your baby falls asleep while feeding, remove the bottle when he/she stops sucking. Slowly introduce your child to drinking from a cup at six months. Make sure to regularly brush and floss your kid’s teeth as soon as two primary teeth are touching.

      If your child has been thumbsucking and using the pacifier for a long time, this might cause some problems on the way their teeth would line up. While most kids stop these habits on their own, your pediatric dentist may recommend a mouth appliance if your child finds it difficult to stop the habit.

      When you prepare your child’s meals, make sure to include one serving of each: fruits and vegetables, bread and cereals, milk and dairy products, as well as meat, fish and eggs. Limit the serving of sugary and starchy foods to protect your child’s teeth from decay.

      Dental sealants are used to protect the crevices of the chewing surfaces of the teeth. These prevent any food particles from getting stuck on teeth which may eventually cause cavities. Your pediatric dentist may recommend dental sealants as a painless and preventative way to protect your child’s teeth for a long time.

      Our Patients' Journey

      • ❝Dr. Zafer is the best pediatric dentist so far in Dubai for kids. It was difficult case and the way he treated my son and managed the case was superb. I would recommend him for any child particularly if your kids are scared of dentists!❞
        Meysun R.
        Google Review
      • ❝I took my 5-year-old daughter to see Dr. Lana. She is very friendly with children and gentle. She makes the treatment fun, and my daughter had no fear and was very comfortable. She answered all my questions and finished the treatment very efficiently. Definitely going back to her whenever we need to see a pediatric dentist. Highly recommended.❞
        Samuel Gitau Muhia
        Google Review
      • ❝Dr. Theresa is amazing and handled very well my 7-year-old daughter who is petrified of doctors and fixed a cavity with no problem up and zero drama. Connected very quickly with her and spoke in a very calming yet not condensing way. I also took my son to her for a simple extraction that went very well and very fast. She is very professional and personable.❞
        Michelle-Cheri Gondouin
        Google Review
      • ❝Dr, Tahir amazing with my son! Who has a upper fear of the dentist. Today had two teeth removed and didn’t even realize it! Walked out with a super smile! Dr. Tahir is fantastic with kids his patience and sensibility with children is fabulous! Amazing job done !Thank you Dr. Tahir your the best!❞
        Silvana Guglietti
        Google Review
      • ❝Dr. Bahia Natour is very professional. She knows how to approach kids who don't like dentists. She elaborates the diagnosis and treatment procedure comprehensively and in details.This is what I liked the most. The approach she does with the kids during the treatment, makes them comfortable and relaxed. I recommend her after what I saw how the treatment was going with my 2 kids.❞
        Dana D.
        Google Review