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      Community Initiative

      Empowering children's oral health for 24 years

      School Project Initiative

      Small Mouths Program

      Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers has been running the Small Mouths Program for 24 years, fueled by our mission to empower children with the right tools for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

      Our visits are free

      As our way of giving back to our community, we are committed to reaching as many schoolchildren as we can, to spread messages of good oral health and hygiene. The visits are free, and every child receives a dental screening, dental report, and a goodie bag to take home.

      Educating students about oral health

      Our Small Mouths program is led by our dedicated oral hygiene educators, who visit schools across Dubai to educate students about the importance of oral hygiene using puppets and interactive presentations. In addition, they demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques, and discuss the importance of a healthy diet.

      Contact us