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      Dear Friends,

      Since its inception till today, Drs. Nicolas & Asp Centers has focused exclusively on real patient care reflected in our motto “Caring is our Concern”. We thrive at attracting caring, charismatic, highly experienced clinicians, handpicked from the four corners of the planet.

      It is through the genuine care and devotion of our entire clinical and non-clinical staff that Drs. Nicolas & Asp has continuously served the dental and medical needs of local and expatriate families for many years.

      It is through the valuable feedback of each and every one of you that we are continuously improving our standards of care, upgrading our services offering, and identifying our geographical locations.

      Our philosophy is based on recognizing the value of patient education and promoting prevention next to therapeutic services. We look forward to continuing to play a role in promoting your health and the health of your beloved ones.

      Dr. E. Nicolas

      Dr. E. Nicolas

      Dr. E. Nicolas - CEO