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      Dr. Tahir Shahnawaz

      Dr. Tahir Shahnawaz

      Dr. Tahir is a British Consultant Pediatric Dentist with over 35 years of combined training and practice in Pakistan, KSA, the UK, and the UAE.

      After graduating in 1986, Dr. Tahir received his Master’s in Pedodontics in 1990 from The London Hospital Medical College, University of London, UK. In 1993, he was awarded Fellowship by the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (FRACDS) in Sydney, Australia.

      Dr. Tahir treats children, teens, and young patients with special needs. In addition, he performs dental treatments under nitrous oxide sedation and general anesthesia.

      He covers all aspects of pediatric dentistry, including preventative care (routine checkups, cleaning, sealants, fluoride application), restorative care (fillings, stainless steel crowns, pulpotomy, pulpectomy), trauma and emergency dental care, oral surgery, and management of space discrepancy using space maintainers and habit breaking appliances.

      He speaks English and Urdu.