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      Dental Crowns for Children

      Dental Crowns for Children

      Protect your child's teeth from decay.

      Crowns are recommended for children with badly decayed, fractured, or weak teeth, particularly after cavity treatments, pulpotomy, or pulpectomy.

      They provide much-needed protection from future decay and improve the tooth's appearance. Crowns are particularly useful in restoring teeth treated for larger cavities, which carry a higher risk of pain, serious infection, and tooth loss.

      Types of Dental Crowns for Children

      Stainless Steel Crowns

      These silver-colored crown are recommended for restoring children’s back teeth, where aesthetics are less of a concern. They are capable of withstanding strong biting forces, highly durable, and rarely need replacement.

      Tooth-Colored Crowns

      These crowns, made from composite resin and other materials, provide a natural appearance that blends seamlessly with the child’s existing teeth. They are commonly used for restoring front teeth in children where aesthetics are top priority.

      Zirconia Crowns

      These tooth-colored crowns are made from strong and durable ceramic material that is known for its natural appearance and biocompatibility. Zirconia crowns are often used to restore both front and back teeth, offering both strength and aesthetics.

      Benefits of Children's
      Dental Crowns

      How long do pediatric crowns last?

      With proper care, you can expect your child’s crown to last until the baby tooth falls out naturally and the permanent tooth underneath is ready to come through. However, if the crown is used to restore a permanent tooth, it will last much longer.

      Brush your child’s teeth twice a day with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, and schedule six-monthly check-ups to keep their oral health in top shape.