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      General Anesthesia for Children

      Children's Dental Treatments Under General Anesthesia

      Young children in pain or suffering from dental infections may need treatment at any age. However, those requiring extensive dental work, children with extreme dental anxiety or developmental challenges may not be able cooperate or tolerate dental treatments in the chair.

      For these reasons, your child's pediatric dentist may suggest doing the treatment under general anesthesia, commonly referred to as GA. This is done in a hospital setting, and with this approach, your child remains asleep and without any pain throughout the entire procedure.

      When is general anesthesia recommended for children?

      What are the steps involved to perform general anesthesia?

      Detailed Assessment

      One of our pediatric dentists will thoroughly examine your child's teeth, medical history, and any contributing factors to determine the need for general anesthesia.

      Family Consultation

      Parents or guardians are informed about the risks and benefits of general anesthesia, alternative options, and the procedure itself.

      Medical Clearance

      An anesthesiologist evaluates your child's medical fitness and provides clearance for the procedure.

      Pre-operative Instructions

      Clear instructions are given to parents regarding fasting, medications, and preparation for the day of the procedure.

      Dental Treatment

      The pediatric dentist performs the necessary dental work, ensuring maximum efficiency and precision while your child is under anesthesia. The anesthesiologist will be present throughout the entire procedure.

      Monitoring and Recovery

      The child is closely monitored by the anesthesiologist and pediatric nursing staff throughout the recovery process.

      Post-operative Instructions

      Specific instructions are provided to parents on pain management, medication, and oral hygiene routines to optimize healing.

      General Anesthesia FAQs

      Parents often wonder why children must do treatments or undergo dental surgery when their baby teeth are only temporary. It's a natural concern, and understanding the reasons behind such procedures is crucial for your peace of mind. The fact is, despite being temporary, baby teeth play a crucial role in the overall growth and development of a child's smile and oral function.

      No. Dentists in the UAE are required to obtain a specific license to perform dental treatments under general anesthesia. If you wish to discuss sedation options for your child, please book an appointment with any of our Specialist Pediatric Dentists.