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      Interceptive Orthodontics: Why is it important for children?

      For us parents, few things are more precious than seeing our children's happy smiles. But what if a little guidance could help ensure those smiles grow strong and healthy for a lifetime? This is where interceptive orthodontics takes center stage.

      What is interceptive orthodontics?

      Interceptive orthodontics, sometimes called “early” orthodontic treatment, is done when a child has a mix of baby teeth and permanent teeth. During this “mixed dentition” stage, we can guide your child’s facial and jaw growth and provide adequate space for incoming adult teeth.

      When should I take my child to an orthodontist?

      The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children are seen by an orthodontist by age 7, but this does not always mean your child will need braces.

      There are three possible outcomes following a consultation with one of our Specialist Orthodontists: the child does not need any treatment, a treatment may be required in the future, or the child will benefit from early orthodontics.

      The goal of interceptive orthodontics is to address dental issues more effectively by identifying and treating them early.

      Why do orthodontists recommend interceptive treatments?

      What are the types of interceptive treatments?

      Early orthodontic treatment may involve a fixed or removable "appliance" to move teeth, alter jaw position, or maintain tooth alignment. In certain cases, no appliances are needed; instead, we may recommend extraction of baby teeth that block the natural eruption of the permanent ones.

      The goal of interceptive orthodontics is to address dental issues more effectively by identifying and treating them early. Schedule your child’s consultation with one of our Specialist Orthodontists today.

      Recommended Readings

      What are the benefits of dental implants?

      What are the benefits of routine oral hygiene appointments?

      Early childhood caries: Is your child at risk?