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      Early childhood caries: Is your child at risk?

      Untreated tooth decay can cause children a lot of pain - a sight none of us parents want to see. What causes tooth decay in children and how can we prevent it? Let’s find out below.

      What is early childhood caries?

      Early childhood caries (ECC), also known as baby bottle tooth decay, is a an oral health issue that affects over 530 million children under 6 years old worldwide. ECC causes pain and discomfort that makes it difficult for children to eat, sleep, and speak. Untreated cavities can also lead to infections that can spread to other parts of the body.

      What causes tooth decay in children?

      The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry defines early childhood caries as the presence of one or more decayed, missing (due to caries), or filled tooth surfaces in any primary tooth in a child under the age of six.

      Over 530 million children under 6 years old worldwide suffer from early childhood caries.

      How can we prevent tooth decay in children?

      Here are recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

      Tooth decay is highly preventable. By working together, we can ensure your child has opportunity to grow up with a healthy, happy smile.

      Recommended Readings

      What are the benefits of dental implants?

      Interceptive Orthodontics: Why is it important for children?

      What are the benefits of routine oral hygiene appointments?