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      When should I bring my child to an orthodontist?

      Timing is everything, especially when it comes to children’s orthodontic treatments.

      That’s why the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children are seen by an orthodontist by age 7.

      By then, a child has enough permanent teeth for the orthodontist to spot any problem in the developing teeth and jaws before it becomes a major concern.

      Do all orthodontic evaluations lead to treatment?

      Not necessarily. It is possible that a child does not require any treatment. Some children may benefit from early orthodontic intervention, while others have to wait and have their treatment in the future.

      What is early orthodontic intervention?

      Early or “interceptive” treatment is one that is performed while some baby teeth are still present. The goal is to “intercept” the developing problem before it becomes more complicated if left untreated.

      Interceptive orthodontics will guide the growth of children’s facial and jaw bones into a better growth pattern and provide more space for their incoming permanent teeth.

      What problems can interceptive orthodontics fix?

      Orthodontists may suggest early treatment to treat several orthodontic issues such as:

      Visit to an orthodontist not later than age 7

      How do I know if my child needs early orthodontic care?

      Determining if a child has an orthodontic problem isn't always simple. Here are some signs to look out for.

      Like most things in life, prevention is better than cure. If you notice any of these in your child, schedule an orthodontic consultation right away.

      Recommended Readings