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      Dr. Tanja Nakovics

      Dr. Tanja Nakovics

      Dr. Tanja is patient-focused Specialist Orthodontist with 25 years of experience in Germany and the UAE. She joined Drs. Nicolas & Asp in 2005 and has a wealth of experience in treating a wide range of orthodontic problems.

      She earned her DDS from Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg, Germany in 1993, followed by a PhD in Orthodontics from the same university in 1996. In 2001, she completed another postgraduate degree in Orthodontics at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU).

      Dr. Tanja sees patients of all ages and is an expert in removable and fixed appliances and TADS (tempory anchorage devices). She is a Certified Provider of Myobrace, Incognito (lingual braces), Invisalign, and Eon Aligner.

      She is a member of European Society Lingual Orthodontics.

      She speaks German, English, and French.