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      Dr. Mazen Haidar

      Dr. Mazen Haidar

      Dr. Mazen is a compassionate and patient-focused Specialist Orthodontist with a remarkable history of success in the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of dental anomalies and misalignments. He has over 20 years of experience in Lebanon, KSA, and the UAE.

      He graduated from the University of Damascus, Syria in 2002, and earned his postgraduate degree in Orthodontics from the same university in 2004.

      He is a fellow of the World Federation of Orthodontists and a member of various prestigious dental associations, including the Lebanese Dental Association, the Lebanese Orthodontists Association, the Saudi Dental Society, and the Saudi Orthodontic Society.

      Dr. Mazen extends his expertise to patients of all ages. He treats all types of malocclusions using both fixed and removable appliances, performs interceptive orthodontics, orthognathic surgeries, cleft lip and palate treatments, and manages complex skeletal cases.

      He speaks English, Arabic, and basic French.