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      Can you regrow your gums naturally?

      Healthy gums fit snugly around your teeth, providing our teeth a vital barrier against infection. If you’ve noticed your gums pulling away from your teeth or if your teeth appear longer than usual, you may be experiencing gum recession.

      These can lead to concerns about your smile's aesthetics and functionality. But the question remains: Can you reverse gum recession and regrow your gums naturally?

      What is gum recession?

      Gum recession occurs when your gum tissue pulls away from your teeth, exposing the roots underneath. This can make your teeth appear longer and can increase sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. If left untreated, gum recession can lead to more serious problems, such as tooth loss.

      Receding gums
      See also
      Unveiling the silent threat: How to spot signs of gum disease

      Common causes of gum recession include:

      Can your gums regrow on their own?

      Unfortunately, gum tissue lacks the regenerative capacity of other tissues in the body. This means that once gum tissue is lost due to recession, it cannot naturally grow back. This is because gum tissue is primarily composed of connective tissue, which does not have the same regenerative properties as other tissues like skin or bone.

      How to prevent gum recession?

      To prevent gum recession, prioritize excellent oral hygiene, including brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing once a day. Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings to address any issues early. Quit smoking and manage underlying health conditions. Avoid aggressive brushing and limit sugary and acidic drinks. If you grind your teeth, consider wearing a mouthguard.

      Seek professional dental care.

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