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      Night Guards

      Protect your teeth from grinding.

      Teeth grinding is often caused by stress, sleep disorders, missing or crooked teeth, or teeth that do not line up properly. Common signs and symptoms include worn-down, chipped, or cracked teeth, jaw pain, dull headaches, ear pain, and neck pain.

      Night Guard in Dubai
      Night Guard in Dubai

      How Do Night Guards Work

      A night guard fits over your upper or lower teeth, acting as a protective barrier between your upper and lower jaws. This prevents your teeth from grinding together, reducing wear and tear on your enamel. By absorbing the force of your bite, night guards can help alleviate jaw pain, headaches, and muscle tension associated with bruxism.

      Benefits of Wearing
      a Night Guard

      Getting Your Night Guard
      at Drs. Nicolas & Asp


      Visit a dentist at any of our clinics to evaluate your oral health and discuss your needs and concerns.


      We'll take an impression of your teeth to create a precise mold for your night guard.


      The mold is sent to our dental lab where your custom night guard is fabricated.


      Return to our clinic for a final fitting to ensure optimal comfort and protection.